Ladies Clinics

Ladies Clinics

The most fun you can have is on a golf course!

Grab a friend and come to Countryview Golf Club for a welcoming golf experience. Keegan will help you discover your golf game. Whether you want to get started with the proper fundamentals, reinforce the basics, or learn a bit more about your swing, these spring sessions are inclusive and fun.

Week 1: Full Swing (1 hour)
Week 2: Putting & Chipping (1 hour)
Week 3: Developing Your Swing (1 hour)
Week 4: Taking it to the Course (1 hour)

Starting May 21st, 28th, June 4th &11t1h. 1 Hour sessions with 9 hole green fee after. Times are 5:30 and 6:30pm and are 6-8max per group.

Call us at 902-675-2800, email or fill in the form for more information and registration details.